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    How to Fix the Future: Staying Human in the Digital Age (English Edition)

    Beschreibung How to Fix the Future: Staying Human in the Digital Age (English Edition). Internet entrepreneur Andrew Keen was among the earliest to write about the dangers that the Internet poses to our culture and society. His 2007 book The Cult of the Amateur was critical in helping advance the conversation around the Internet, which has now morphed from a tool providing efficiencies and opportunities for consumers and business to a force that is profoundly reshaping our societies and our world. In his new book, How to Fix the Future, Keen focuses on what we can do about this seemingly intractable situation. Looking to the past to learn how we might change our future, he describes how societies tamed the excesses of the Industrial Revolution, which, like its digital counterpart, demolished long-standing models of living, ruined harmonious environments and altered the business world beyond recognition. Travelling across the globe, from India to Estonia, Germany to Singapore, he investigates the best (and worst) practices in five key areas - regulation, innovation, social responsibility, consumer choice and education - and concludes by examining whether we are seeing the beginning of the end of the America-centric digital world.Powerful, urgent and deeply engaging, How to Fix the Future vividly depicts what we must do if we are to try to preserve human values in an increasingly digital world and what steps we might take as societies and individuals to make the future something we can again look forward to.

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    How to Fix the Future: Staying Human in the Digital Age by ~ How to Fix the Future: Staying Human in the Digital Age by Andrew Keen – review . As the internet giants run amok, a visionary critic calls for governments and citizens to tackle a crisis of .

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    How to Fix the Future by Andrew Keen - Goodreads ~ Sub-titled 'staying human in the digital age' this book suggests a number of strategies for controlling the excesses of the tech revolution described in his earlier book 'The Internet is Not the Answer'. These include regulation, competitive innovation, social responsibility, worker and consumer choice, and education. At times his book reads like a travelogue as we read accounts of his visits .

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