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    Henry James: The Complete Collection (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Henry James: The Complete Collection (English Edition). This volume collects the complete writings of Henry James: 23 novels, 112 stories and novellas, 12 plays, 6 books with travelogues, 10 with critical essays and 3 autobiographies.Contents:THE NOVELSWatch and Ward, Roderick Hudson, The American, The Europeans, Confidence, Washington Square, The Portrait of a Lady, The Bostonians, The Princess Casamassima, The Reverberator, The Tragic Muse, The Other House, The Spoils of Poynton, What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age, The Sacred Fount, The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl, The Outcry, The Whole Family, The Ivory Tower, The Sense of the PastTHE TALESA Tragedy of Error, The Story of a Year, A Landscape-Painter, A Day of Days, My Friend Bingham, Poor Richard, The Story of a Masterpiece, The Romance of Certain Old Clothes, A Most Extraordinary Case, A Problem, etc.THE PLAYSPyramus And Thisbe, Still Waters, A Change of Heart, Daisy Miller, Tenants, Disengaged, The Album, The Reprobate, Guy Domville, Summersoft, The High Bid, The OutcryTHE TRAVEL WRITINGTransatlantic Sketches, Portraits of Places, A Little Tour in France, English Hours, The American Scene, Italian HoursTHE CRITICISMFrench Novelists and Poets, Hawthorne, Partial Portraits, Essays in London and Elsewhere, Picture and Text, Views and Reviews, Notes on Novelists, Within the Rim and Other Essays, Notes and Reviews, The Art of the NovelTHE AUTOBIOGRAPHIESA Small Boy and Others, Notes of a Son and Brother, The Middle Years

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