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    Rosé (The Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Rosé (The Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library) (English Edition). Rosé has seen a huge boom in sales over the last twenty-five years. Popular particularly with younger drinkers, its move into the spotlight seems to be part of a fashion for all things pink. The wines are often thought of as fresh and undemanding but while for many that is part of their appeal, here Master of Wine Elizabeth Gabay reveals the other side of rosé, discovering wines (some unavailable beyond the winery steps) that are every bit as complex and intriguing as their red and white cellarmates.After taking us through the history of rosé and discussing varieties and winemaking methods, Gabay turns her attention to the regions where rosé is made, first introducing us to historic wines such as Tavel, Cigales and Rosé d’Anjou. She next journeys to the heart of the revolution, Provence. The region’s pale-hued wines have become the height of fashion, with wineries owned by Hollywood stars and wines such as Garrus commanding premium prices. Unsurprisingly this has led to much emulation, but as Gabay continues her global rosé investigations she discovers that pale is not the only interesting form of rosé.Indeed, one challenge for rosé producers is persuading drinkers to look beyond the colour, for as Rosé demonstrates these wines come in a huge variety of styles. From traditional clairet rosés made using the saignée method to vins gris, natural wines and experimental styles, produced as far afield as British Columbia and Marlborough, California and Crimea, Gabay has tried (nearly) all of them. The result is a detailed yet conversational book that will provoke discussion among those in the industry, wine aficionados and students.

    Buch Rosé (The Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Classic Wine Library / Infinite Ideas ~ When we set up The Classic Wine Library we were intent on both enlightening and entertaining those serious about wine (and a few other drinks too). The series has a history stretching back more than fifty years and has been published by Infinite Ideas since 2013. Books are detailed enough to provide plenty of information – much of which is not available anywhere else – for students of wine .

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    Rosé / Infinite Ideas ~ The Infinite Ideas blog; About us; Classic Wine Library. Buy Classic Wine Library books; Business. Infinite Success ; Books. Authors; Contact; Rosé Understanding the pink wine revolution by Elizabeth Gabay MW. Available as: Paperback Ebook Pub Date: October 2017. Kindle ISBN: 9781910902714 Print ISBN: 9781908984135 Pages: 288 Buy Online. Price: £30. Rosé wine is like an erupting volcano .

    Rose: Understanding the Pink Wine Revolution The Infinite ~ From my early experiences of drinking Mateus Rose to a recent tasting of excellent pink sparkling wine from English vineyards, I enjoy rosé wine. So I found Elizabeth Gabay MW’s guide to the rise of pink wine from disparaged drink to international phenomenon, a fascinating, comprehensive and immensely readable book. Meticulously and impressively researched, covering the chemistry, history .

    Sake and the wines of Japan The Infinite Ideas Classic ~ In Sake and the wines of Japan, Anthony Rose argues that, after decades in the doldrums, sake is well on its way to becoming the next big thing. Neither a wine nor a spirit, sake's purity, centuries-old brewing methods and umami taste have gained it fans among the sort of younger drinkers who sparked the revolution in craft beers and artisan spirits. Along with huge strides in quality and .

    Classic Wine Library revived – four more books reviewed ~ ‘The title that has longest heritage in the Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library is Sherry by Julian Jeffs which was first published in 1961 by Faber & Faber and is now in its 6th edition. This became the basis of the Faber wine series with Julian Jeffs as Series Editor. Faber published my book on Port, Port and the Douro, in 1999 but they sold off all their wine titles shortly afterwards and .

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    Biodynamic wine (The Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library ~ Biodynamic wine (The Infinite Ideas Classic Wine Library) Kindle Edition by Monty Waldin (Author) › Visit . Blend wine magazine --This text refers to the paperback edition. About the Author . Monty Waldin is a consultant on biodynamic and sustainable viticulture and has written articles for Decanter and The Oxford Companion to Wine along with nine regional wine books. In 2013 he became the .

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