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    Race and the Cultural Industries (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Race and the Cultural Industries (English Edition). Studies of race and media are dominated by textual approaches that explore the politics of representation. But there is little understanding of how and why representations of race in the media take the shape that they do. How, one might ask, is race created by cultural industries? In this important new book, Anamik Saha encourages readers to focus on the production of representations of racial and ethnic minorities in film, television, music and the arts. His interdisciplinary approach combines critical media studies and media industries research with postcolonial studies and critical race perspectives to reveal how political economic forces and legacies of empire shape industrial cultural production and, in turn, media discourses around race. Race and the Cultural Industries is required reading for students and scholars of media and cultural studies, as well as anyone interested in why historical representations of 'the Other' persist in the media and how they are to be challenged.

    Buch Race and the Cultural Industries (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Race and the cultural industries (eBook, 2017) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Race and the cultural industries. [Anamik Saha] -- "Studies of race and media are dominated by textual approaches that explore the politics of representation. But there is little understanding of how and why representations of race in the media take .

    Race and the Cultural Industries / Wiley ~ Studies of race and media are dominated by textual approaches that explore the politics of representation. But there is little understanding of how and why representations of race in the media take the shape that they do. How, one might ask, is race created by cultural industries? In this important new book, Anamik Saha encourages readers to focus on the production of representations of racial .

    Hesmondhalgh, D: Cultural Industries: ~ He is the author of The Cultural Industries (4th edition, 2019, previous editions 2002, 2007 and 2013); Culture, Economy and Politics: The Case of New Labour (Palgrave, 2015, co-written with Kate Oakley, David Lee and Melissa Nisbett); Why Music Matters (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013); and Creative Labour: Media Work in Three Cultural Industries (Routledge, 2011, co-written with Sarah Baker). He is .

    The Cultural Industries 3rd edition - GBV ~ The Cultural Industries 3rd edition (USAGE Los Angeles / London j New Delhi Singapore / Washington DC. Contents Boxes, tables and figures xiv Preface to the Third Edition (2012) xvii Preface to the Second Edition (2007) xix Introduction: Change and Continuity, Power and Creativity 1 An overview of some changes - and the importance of continuity 2 Why do the cultural industries matter? -4 The .

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