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    Growing Small: How to Manage, Market and Measure Your Way to Retail Success in 90 Days! Even If You Have No Time or Money. (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Growing Small: How to Manage, Market and Measure Your Way to Retail Success in 90 Days! Even If You Have No Time or Money. (English Edition). "Growing Small. How to Manage, Market and Measure Your Way to Retail Success in Just 90 Days! Even if you have no time or money." is a new kind of book that shows small store owners exactly how to take back control of their success, regardless of skill level or budget. It's a practical, no-nonsense playbook filled with case studies and examples curated out of the author's experiences as a consultant to Mom and Pop stores across the country. Growing Small focuses on the real life challenges faced by today's small business owners and provides a proven process to fix them!Angel Cicerone, founder and president of Tenant Mentorship, a company that focuses solely on independent retail businesses, has taken the method that has, for years, transformed small shops into high performance operators and created a "how-to" of the process that has helped the majority of her clients achieve a 10-200 percent revenue increase in just 90 days!The book offers a fresh perspective based on the three principals of success: manage, market and measure. It guides the reader through the process of identifying key issues blocking their success, then helps them create a 90-day plan to reach realistic goals. A complimentary worksheet and plan template are available online to each book purchaser.

    Buch Growing Small: How to Manage, Market and Measure Your Way to Retail Success in 90 Days! Even If You Have No Time or Money. (English Edition) PDF ePub

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