Beschreibung Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research (English Edition). The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to improve the validity and transparency of future research conducted by researchers in transcultural contexts. It covers broad themes including access, attire and conduct, sexual harassment, personal safety, and accompanied research and well-being. The volume provides case studies using reflexivity to create baselines for comparison for female (and male) researchers doing fieldwork and outlines potential areas of concern for supervisors through a transdisciplinary approach in a global context. It is an essential guide for supervisors, students, ethics committee members and any researchers.
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary ~ Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research (English Edition) eBook: Brooke A. Porter, Heike A. Schänzel: : Kindle-Shop
Femininities in the Field (eBook epub) - bei eBook ~ Femininities in the Field - Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research. Sprache: Englisch. (eBook epub) - bei eBook
Channel View Publications - Femininities in the Field ~ The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to improve the validity and transparency of future research conducted by researchers in transcultural contexts.
eBook: Femininities in the Field von Brooke A. Porter ~ Femininities in the Field von Brooke A. Porter, Heike A. Schänzel (ISBN 978-1-84541-652-2) online kaufen / Sofort-Download - lehmanns
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary ~ The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to improve the validity and transparency of future research conducted by researchers in transcultural contexts. It covers broad themes including access, attire and conduct, sexual harassment .
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary ~ The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to.
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary ~ The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to improve the validity and transparency of future research conducted by researchers in transcultural contexts. It covers broad themes including access, attire and conduct, sexual harassment .
Femininities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary ~ The aim of this book is to analyse and reflect on the effect of femininities in the field and the encountered biases specific to women researchers in tourism studies. The purpose of the book is to define potential areas of gender bias using international case studies from five continents to improve the validity and transparency of future research conducted by researchers in transcultural contexts. It covers broad themes including access, attire and conduct, sexual harassment .
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Solène Prince / ~ A review of “Femininities in the field: Tourism and transdisciplinary research”. Tourism Geographies. E-publication ahead of print, October 1. (DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2018.1485177) Prince, S. (2018). A review of “Indigenous tourism: Cases form Australia and New-Zealand”. Tourism Geographies, 20(4), 755-757. Prince, S. (2018). A review of “Practical tourism research” (2nd edition .
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New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and ~ "New Femininities is an outstanding collection of theoretically rich and engaging essays that analyze how the global project of neoloberalism has coopted many of the basic tenets of feminism in corporately shrewd and often reactionary ways while selling all this as female empowerment. New Femininities is especially strong in showing how various media have worked to constitute new female .
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