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    On the Origin of the Species Homo Touristicus: The Evolution of Travel from Greek Spas to Space Tourism (English Edition)

    Beschreibung On the Origin of the Species Homo Touristicus: The Evolution of Travel from Greek Spas to Space Tourism (English Edition). A stunningly well-researched book, offering readers an authentically fresh and at times wickedly off -the-beaten path irreverent look at travel history and the evolution of homo touristicus. This insightful book takes you on a Grand Tour full of fun and interesting nuggets about travel the past, the present, and soon to be future, that is sure to make you laugh, make you think, and keep you reading. Just perusing the Table of Contents whets your appetite for more. This multi-disciplinary look at the travel and tourism industryand we travelers who make it all happenincludes: the age of discovery, world wonders, tourist novelties, the paths of pilgrims, travel safety and security, travel literature, geography and mapmaking, Grand Hotels, the technology of travel, travel industry porn and public relations campaigns, mysterious liaisons, and affairs to remember, along with great travel quotes and culturally relevant tourism-related anecdotes. This factual, enlightening, and oh so opinionated book is designed for real travelers, casual tourists, and armchair travelers alike; with this fi rst edition disproving myths, unveiling new legends and bursting a few overly righteous historical bubbles along the way. Indeed, this book includes something for all members of homo touristicus who have been there, done that, and keenly want to know what is next!

    Buch On the Origin of the Species Homo Touristicus: The Evolution of Travel from Greek Spas to Space Tourism (English Edition) PDF ePub

    On the Origin of the Species Homo Touristicus: The ~ On the Origin of the Species Homo Touristicus: The Evolution of Travel from Greek Spas to Space Tourism (English Edition) eBook: Chalmers, William D.: : Kindle-Shop

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