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    Online Marketing for Hotels: The Hotel's guide to increasing online revenue (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Online Marketing for Hotels: The Hotel's guide to increasing online revenue (English Edition). IF YOU WANT TO INCREASE YOUR HOTEL’S ONLINE BOOKINGS – THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!Not enough direct bookings!? Learn how your hotel can generate significantly more reservations.This easy-to-use guide will take you through the steps needed to generate more direct bookings. It’s a MUST read for any hotel marketer, hotel owner, hotel revenue manager or hotel general manager looking to increase bookings made on their hotel website.Here’s what you’ll learn: How to approach online marketing for Hotels How to use the following key concepts to improve your online strategy-Seasonality -Target audience-User behavior How to create an effective marketing plan for hotelsHow to effectively execute that marketing planHow to improve your hotel website “bookability”Optimize your website following latest the industry’s trendsHow to manage online marketing campaigns effectively-Google Adwords for hotels-Display marketing for hotels-Facebook paid ads for hotels-Email marketing for hotelsHow to overcome the main challenges that hotels face -Reducing OTA dependency -Increasing occupancy rates -Increase mobile bookings and productionUnderstand all the online marketing vocabulary

    Buch Online Marketing for Hotels: The Hotel's guide to increasing online revenue (English Edition) PDF ePub

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