Beschreibung Architecture of a Technodemocracy: How Technology and Democracy Can Revolutionize Governments, Empower the 100%, and End the 1% System (English Edition). The world is primed for radical changes in government where each of us has an equal voice and all are held accountable. In Architecture of a Technodemocracy, Hanania provides a detailed blueprint on how to leverage current government processes, communications systems, and blockchain security to take the next step in the evolution of human government. By harnessing technology that already exists, we can nonviolently reshape our respective governments.The cooperation of modern politicians is not a requirement. A technodemocracy can be created without spending any tax dollars, passing any new laws, or otherwise turning to career politicians for leadership. Like Bitcoin, technodemocracy uses readily available technologies to decentralize power from the 1% to the 100%. Its principles can be applied to any nation.Despite being drafted more than 200 years ago, the Constitution enables a U.S. technodemocratic republic. No nation in history has ever had such an absolute straightaway to a 100% democratic government—the opportunity to revolutionize society, economy, and environment without using violence. Through illustrations, examples, and analogies, Architecture of a Technodemocracy provides an elegantly simple method for decentralizing power to 100% of the American people and, in the process, ending the U.S. political party system. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jason M. Hanania is an attorney, an engineer, and a former U.S. government employee. He ran for the U.S. Senate in 2016 as the first technodemocratic candidate. PREFACE In 2016, I ran for the U.S. Senate as the first technodemocratic candidate. During that process, I received hundreds of questions. Architecture of a Technodemocracy answers those questions. This book is organized into four parts: I. Government Requirements II. Legal Requirements III. Technical Requirements IV. Social RequirementsDemocracy requires that the four powers of government be decentralized equally to those governed. Part I looks at any government as a machine and provides a technical study of democracy, including a historical discussion of group equality, an analysis of the four powers of government, and an overview of how to decentralize those four powers through technology.Parts II and III specifically set forth how to re-adapt the U.S. government from a Nondemocratic Republic to a Technodemocratic Republic. In a Nondemocratic Republic, the four powers of government are centralized in roughly 1% of the American people (the 1%). In a Technodemocratic Republic, the four powers of government are decentralized to 100% of the American people (the 100%). While the mechanisms proposed in Parts II and III provide examples specific to the U.S. government, they can be adapted to fit any city, state, nation, or group.Part IV discusses the social mechanisms needed to kick-start a U.S. Technodemocratic Republic. These mechanisms require surprisingly little social action. No violence is required. To set off a technodemocratic chain reaction, the American people need only elect one technodemocratic candidate to the U.S. legislative branch. The first technodemocratic candidate elected will implement the technology needed to decentralize the four powers of government from the 1% to the 100%.I hope you find the prospect of a U.S. Technodemocratic Republic as inspiring as I do.—Jason M. Hanania
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