Beschreibung The Economics of Sports (English Edition). The sports industry provides a seemingly endless set of examples from every area of microeconomics, giving students the opportunity to study economics in a context that holds their interest. Thoroughly updated to reflect the current sports landscape, The Economics of Sports introduces core economic concepts and theories and applies them to American and international sports.Updates for this sixth edition include:More coverage of international sports, including European football;A revised chapter on competitive balance, reflecting new techniques;A brand-new chapter on mega-events such as the Olympics and World Cup;New material on umpire bias;A completely redesigned chapter on amateur competition that focuses exclusively on intercollegiate sports. This chapter is also now modular, enabling instructors who wish to intersperse it with the other chapters to do so with greater ease.This accessible text is supported by a companion website which includes resources for students and instructors. It is the perfect text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on sports economics.
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Sports Economics (Sport Management Series): Theory ~ "The Economics of Sport" provides a highly accessible introduction to the main theoretical, empirical and policy issues that emanate from the economic analysis of sport. Written in a style that makes economics accessible to sports management and policy students, this is a lively and reader-friendly examination of the crucial areas that make up the sports economy. It embraces the full scope of the sports economy, covering the three main arenas in which sport takes place - mass participation .
The Economics of Sports / Taylor & Francis Group ~ The sports industry provides a seemingly endless set of examples from every area of microeconomics, giving students the opportunity to study economics in a context that holds their interest. Thoroughly updated to reflect the current sports landscape, The Economics of Sports introduces core economic concepts and theories and applies them to American and international sports.
Sports Economics, 1st Edition / Macmillan Learning for ~ Berri has also served as president of the North American Association of Sports Economics (NAASE) and currently sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Sports Economics and International Journal of Sport Finance (the two journals in sports economics). Beginning in 2004, he has helped organize meetings of NAASE at the Western Economic Association, which is the world’s largest gathering .
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