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    The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation: Mastering AI and Algorithm-Driven Business (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation: Mastering AI and Algorithm-Driven Business (English Edition). From driverless cars to pilotless planes, many functions that have previously required human labor can now be performed using artificial intelligence. For businesses, this use of AI results in reduced labor costs and, even more important, creating a competitive advantage.  How does one look at any organization and begin the work of automating it in sensible ways?This book provides the blueprint for automating critical business functions of all kinds.  It outlines the skills and technologies that must be brought to bear on replicating human-like thinking and judgment in the form of algorithms. Many believe that algorithm design is the exclusive purview of computer scientists and experienced programmers.  This book aims to dispel that notion. An algorithm is merely a set of rules, and anyone with the ability to envision how different components of a business can interact with other components already has the ability to work in algorithms.Though many fear that the use of automation in business means human labor will no longer be needed, the author argues that organizations will re-purpose humans into different roles under the banner of automation, not simply get rid of them. He also identifies parts of business that are best targeted for automation.This book will arm business people with the tools needed to automate companies, making them perform better, move faster, operate cheaper, and provide great lasting value to investors.

    Buch The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation: Mastering AI and Algorithm-Driven Business (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation: Mastering AI ~ The Executive’s How-To-Guide To Automation distills the cacophony of noise zinging through the halls of our organizations and brings together a harmony of concepts that anyone can easily grasp and apply. Having spent my entire working career in the process industries in a variety of roles, including plant manager, this book opens to me, a non-programmer, non-data scientist, a periscope above .

    The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation : Mastering AI ~ The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation : Mastering AI and Algorithm-Driven Business.. [George E Danner] . EnglishView all editions and formats: Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. More like this: User lists; Find a copy online. Links to this item. ProQuest Ebook Central Find a copy in the library. Finding libraries that hold this item. Details. Genre/Form: Electronic .

    The executive's how-to guide to automation: mastering AI ~ Get this from a library! The executive's how-to guide to automation: mastering AI and algorithm-driven business. [George E Danner] -- From driverless cars to pilotless planes, many functions that have previously required human labor can now be performed using artificial intelligence. For businesses, this use of AI results in .

    The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation : Mastering AI ~ The Executive's How-To Guide to Automation : Mastering AI and Algorithm-Driven Business. [George E Danner] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. COVID-19 Resources. Reliable .

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