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    Creating Guests for Life: Lessons Learned and Rules to Follow for Improving Service (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Creating Guests for Life: Lessons Learned and Rules to Follow for Improving Service (English Edition). Creating Guests for LifeLessons Learned and Rules to Follow for Improving ServiceImproving service may be included on many businesses list of goals, but taking service to a level where "customers for life" are created requires dedication and a commitment to excellence that is often sought but rarely achieved.CREATING GUESTS for Life focuses on experiences from the hospitality industry. However, the principles within this book are relevant and easily incorporated into the business plan or training program of any business in any industry interested in improving service.To learn more, visit:creatingguestsforlife.comPaul Ruby's sometimes humorous, but always relatable stories of lessons learned during his career serving others, evolves into simple but valuable rules to follow in his quest to create customers for life.

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