Beschreibung Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks (English Edition). Winner of the C.K. Prahalad award - Best Business Book of 2019By the time he was twenty, Alok Kejriwal had his life pre-planned for him. He would inherit the family’s socks manufacturing business and be the hard-working, money minting, quintessential Marwari businessman, forever. Except that it didn’t turn out that way. A few years after surviving the family setup, something turned up that sent Alok on a completely different career path: the INTERNET! A crazy business idea Alok had turned out to be a winner and was born. Soon, Alok was fighting and thriving in a world completely different from the one he had grown up in. A world where technology breakthroughs, VCs, and out-of-the-box thinking decided the real winners. Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks is Alok’s real, life story of starting up and unadulterated entrepreneurship. It traces his roller-coaster ride as an aspiring entrepreneur; traversing through a variety of business ideas in the family business up to his big breakthrough as one of India’s first entrepreneurs to tap the power of the internet. It details the amazing success of and Mobile2win, a venture eventually acquired by The Walt Disney Company. The chapters in the book are actual stories, throbbing with memorable anecdotes that conclude with crisp learnings for the readers. Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks is a deeply compelling story about beating the odds, staying motivated and gung-ho entrepreneurship. It is an inspiration as well as a practical guide to emerging a winner.
Buy Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks Book Online at Low ~ Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks is Alok’s real, life story of starting up and unadulterated entrepreneurship. It traces his roller-coaster ride as an aspiring entrepreneur; traversing through a variety of business ideas in the family business up to his big breakthrough as one of India’s first entrepreneurs to tap the power of the internet. It details the amazing success of contests2win .
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.in:Customer reviews: Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks ~ Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks is the coming of professional age – and great success and the lessons therefrom — of a young Marwari ‘çhhora’. Blessed to be born in a well-to-do, educated and forward-looking family, young Alok is encouraged to try out different things as he goes about ‘checking things out’, trying to create value for himself by creating value for others.
Book Review / Why I stopped wearing my Socks / BookJelly ~ Why I stopped wearing my Socks works because: It has a brilliant storyteller at the helm. Alok writes in a clear and straightforward style sparing readers unnecessary complexities. Except for the chapter where he explains the nitty-gritty of a machine in his father’s factory, he keeps it simple. It takes you back to the pre-internet days. There is a charm in knowing how things used to work .
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