Beschreibung Ninja Future: Secrets to Success in the New World of Innovation. Ninja Future is an essential listen for businesses and individuals striving to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving world: Gary Shapiro, the president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, casts his eye toward the future, charting how the innovative technologies of today will transform not only the way business is done, but society itself.During his more than three decades at the head of the Consumer Technology Association, Gary Shapiro has witnessed and has been a part of one of the most extraordinary periods of technological change in human history. Today’s world is almost unrecognizable from that of just a decade or two before: In just a few short years, the Internet has already transformed how we access information, purchase goods, get from place to place, and do our jobs. Even greater changes are on the horizon.In Ninja Future, Shapiro explains the evolving technological landscape, breakthroughs underway now and those we can only envision. New innovations such as self-driving vehicles, blockchain, 5G, the Internet of things, and countless others will forever change the economy as we know it. Shapiro uses case studies to identify companies and countries addressing today’s challenges particularly well - and relates lessons from those that have stumbled. Drawing on the insights he has gleaned as a martial arts black belt, he shows how businesses can move to succeed in today’s turbulent environment by adopting the mind-set of “ninjas” - adapting to technological change to capitalize on opportunities at lightning speed.
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Ninja Future - Audiobook / Listen Instantly! ~ Ninja Future is an essential read for businesses and individuals striving to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving world: Gary Shapiro, the president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association, casts his eye toward the future, charting how the innovative technologies of today will transform not only the way business is done but society itself.
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