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    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series Book 642) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series Book 642) (English Edition). Everything you need to know in order to manage risk effectively within your organization You cannot afford to ignore the explosion in mathematical finance in your quest to remain competitive. This exciting branch of mathematics has very direct practical implications: when a new model is tested and implemented it can have an immediate impact on the financial environment. With risk management top of the agenda for many organizations, this book is essential reading for getting to grips with the mathematical story behind the subject of financial risk management. It will take you on a journey—from the early ideas of risk quantification up to today's sophisticated models and approaches to business risk management. To help you investigate the most up-to-date, pioneering developments in modern risk management, the book presents statistical theories and shows you how to put statistical tools into action to investigate areas such as the design of mathematical models for financial volatility or calculating the value at risk for an investment portfolio. Respected academic author Simon Hubbert is the youngest director of a financial engineering program in the U.K. He brings his industry experience to his practical approach to risk analysis Captures the essential mathematical tools needed to explore many common risk management problems Website with model simulations and source code enables you to put models of risk management into practice Plunges into the world of high-risk finance and examines the crucial relationship between the risk and the potential reward of holding a portfolio of risky financial assets This book is your one-stop-shop for effective risk management.

    Buch Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series Book 642) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management / Wiley ~ With risk management top of the agenda for many organizations, this book is essential reading for getting to grips with the mathematical story behind the subject of financial risk management. It will take you on a journey—from the early ideas of risk quantification up to today's sophisticated models and approaches to business risk management.

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (Wiley ~ Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (Wiley Finance Series) / Hubbert, Simon / ISBN: 9781119979524 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management - Wiley ~ With risk management top of the agenda for many organizations, this book is essential reading for getting to grips with the mathematical story behind the subject of financial risk management. It will take you on a journey—from the early ideas of risk quantification up to today's sophisticated models and approaches to business risk management.

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk - Wiley-VCH eBooks ~ Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management provides readers with the mathematical tools for managing and controlling the major sources of risk in the financial markets. Unlike most books on investment risk management which tend to be either panoptic in their coverage or narrowly focused on advanced mathematical procedures, this book offers a thorough understanding of the basic .

    Essential mathematics for market risk management (eBook ~ Get this from a library! Essential mathematics for market risk management. [Simon Hubbert] -- "Everything you need to know in order to manage risk effectively within your organizationYou cannot afford to ignore the explosion in mathematical finance in your quest to remain competitive. This .

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The ~ Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series Book 643) - Kindle edition by Hubbert, Simon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management (The Wiley Finance Series Book 643).

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    Essential mathematics for market risk management (Book ~ With risk management top of the agenda for many organizations, this book is essential reading for getting to grips with the mathematical story behind the subject of financial risk management. It will take you on a journey--from the early ideas of risk quantification up to today\'s sophisticated models and approaches to business risk management. To help you investigate the most up-to-date .

    Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management: Hubbert ~ Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management provides readers with the mathematical tools for managing and controlling the major sources of risk in the financial markets. Unlike most books on investment risk management which tend to be either panoptic in their coverage or narrowly focused on advanced mathematical procedures, this book offers a thorough understanding of the basic .

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