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    Life in Cyberspace (Big Ideas Book 5) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Life in Cyberspace (Big Ideas Book 5) (English Edition). Internet is a real place. Every time we switch on our computers, use a program or an application, or log in to a social media site, we enter a virtual space made up of worlds, domains, forums and rooms. But we behave differently when we interact with technology: technology amplifies and accelerates our deeds; it can help us find useful information, benefit from a wide range of services and stay in touch with our friends, but it can also create addictive-type behaviours and subliminally manipulate us online.Mary Aiken, a cyberpsychologist specialised in the impact of technology on human behaviour, warns us about cybersecurity: "We need a human-centred approach that is mindful of how humans actually use connected things and not how the tech sector presumes or expects them to".This is the fifth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

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    : Life in Cyberspace (Big Ideas Book 5) eBook ~ Life in Cyberspace (Big Ideas Book 5) - Kindle edition by Aiken, Mary, European Investment Bank. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Life in Cyberspace (Big Ideas Book 5).

    Life in Cyberspace - European Investment Bank ~ Mary Aiken, a cyberpsychologist specialised in the impact of technology on human behaviour, warns us about cybersecurity: “We need a human-centred approach that is mindful of how humans actually use connected things and not how the tech sector presumes or expects them to”. This is the fifth essay in the Big Ideas series created by the European Investment Bank.

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