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    Cultivating the Hospitable Mind (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Cultivating the Hospitable Mind (English Edition). Hospitality is an integral part of enhancing all human interactions. CULTIVATING THE HOSPITABLE MIND recognises that being exceptional in the art of hospitality requires a mindset far beyond the ordinary.CULTIVATING THE HOSPITABLE MIND is intended to mentally stimulate industry professionals, young career entrants and those who would like to explore their societal attitudes more deeply. On the one hand, it guides ambitious candidates in search of a rewarding career path, and on the other, provides reflection for those who are generally interested in providing high-level care, assistance and closer attention to others.CULTIVATING THE HOSPITABLE MIND explores some of the practical challenges every employee might be confronted with when fulfilling their career aspirations. Questionning common assumptions, this book clarifies why you habitually do and think the way you do, in the service of others. The book should contribute to renewed awareness on how you approach your life and career.

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