Beschreibung Confessions of a Corporate Trainer: An Insider Tells All (English Edition). Embrace the Gritty Reality of TrainingEver watched half your class stomp out on you? Fallen asleep facilitating a creativity workshop? Planned a bulletproof lesson plan, then dropped it 10 minutes after you started? Don’t worry—it’s fine to confess. If you have faced a surprise in the training room, chances are Jonathan Halls has seen it, too. As a result, he doesn’t pretend to be a shiny happy trainer anymore; his 25-plus years of training and facilitating in 25 countries have taught him not to stress over a less-than-flawless class—and helped him focus less on himself and more on letting his learners shine.In Confessions of a Corporate Trainer: An Insider Tells All, Jonathan tells relatable and charming stories of what corporate training is really about, drawing from his highly rated train-the-trainer workshops and hundreds of honest conversations with like-minded trainers. He recounts the curveball he was thrown midway through a change management workshop in Zagreb, Croatia—and how it showed him the futility of overplanning. He shares the time a fire alarm disrupted a training program he led in Washington, D.C., and how he embraced the interruption. And he reflects on what conspires to knock trainers off their game (psst: demanding clients, heavy workloads, and frequent travel are only a few of the culprits). Discover the gritty reality of training. Confessions of a Corporate Trainer will entertain you, challenge you, and remind you why you as a trainer are so important in today’s workplace.
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