Beschreibung Mulligan's: Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street (English Edition). Mulligan's is more than a Dublin pub; it is an Irish cultural phenomenon. It has a unique and colourful history, spanning over two hundred years. Mulligan's has hosted the famous - Judy Garland, Seamus Heaney, Con Houlihan, James Joyce, John F. Kennedy - and, indeed, the infamous - police arrested a kidnapper there. Quirkiness pervades its atmosphere. The ashes of a US tourist are interred in its clock. Barmen have seen ghosts on the premises. For decades, performers at the Theatre Royal thronged to Mulligan's, mingling with journalists from 'The Irish Press' who smoked, fumed and interviewed celebrities in it. This fascinating book captures the atmosphere and essence of an Irish institution, loved by both natives and tourists alike.
Mulligan's: Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street (English ~ Mulligan's: Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street (English Edition) eBook: Dunne, Declan: : Kindle-Shop
Mulligan's: Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street: ~ Mulligan's: Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street Paperback â 8 May 2015 . Declan Dunne (Author) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" ÂŁ7.08 â â Paperback "Please retry" ÂŁ10.39 . ÂŁ10.08: ÂŁ6.50: Kindle Edition ÂŁ7.08 Read with Our Free App Paperback ÂŁ10.39 7 Used from ÂŁ6.50 9 New from ÂŁ10.08 Arrives .
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Flann OâBrien / Mulligan's â The grand old pub of Poolbeg ~ Poolbeg Street is tucked between Trinity College, the Liffey, under the shadow of the high office buildings of Apollo House and Hawkins House in nearby Hawkins Street. When I paid a visit to the premises recently, it was quite obvious that those who value the unique quality of a traditional Dublin pub were well aware of the existence of Mulliganâs of Poolbeg Street.
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Mulligan's Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street by Declan Dunne ~ Mulligan's Grand Old Pub of Poolbeg Street 264. by Declan Dunne. Paperback (New Edition) $ 21.00. Paperback . $21.00. NOOK Book. $9.49. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item â Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store is currently unavailable, but this item may be available for in-store purchase. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping .
Mulligan's - Declan Dunne - Englische BĂŒcher kaufen / Ex ~ BĂŒcher; English Books; Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst & Musik; Geschichte; Mulligan's; Mulligan's. Declan Dunne . Folgen Suchergebnisse . Kartonierter Einband; 264 Seiten (0) Erste Bewertung abgeben. Bewertungen (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Alle Bewertungen ansehen. Steeped in history and tradition, Mulligan's of Poolbeg Street is the quintessential Irish pub and a Dublin institution. John F. K .
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