Beschreibung Talk Bourbon to Me 2: The Spirit of Hospitality (English Edition). The second book in the series, Talk Bourbon to Me 2 explores the essential elements of bourbon hospitality.Bourbon whiskey. It's an economic power engine in the Commonwealth of Kentucky -- an eight-and-a-half billion dollar industry that attracts a million visitors each year. Talk Bourbon to Me 2 explores that world, from the industry's first visionaries in the 1800s to today's distillery owners and distillers, visitor guides and ambassadors.* Meet the man widely regarded as the father of bourbon tourism-- discover who he was, what he accomplished, and how his influence continues to shape the bourbon world more than a century later.* Learn how, and where, both bourbon distillers and enthusiasts gain a distilled spirits education.* Take an in-depth look at the vital role oak, yeast, and bacteria play in bourbon distillation.* Get to know a few of today's bourbon visionaries -- the people who pay tribute uphold the legacy of bourbon while paving their own way into the future.Talk Bourbon to Me 2 is a must-have guide to the world of bourbon tourism -- and the spirit of hospitality. Pick up a copy today.
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