Beschreibung Deconstructing Eurocentric Tourism and Heritage Narratives in Mexican American Communities: Juan de Oñate as a West Texas Icon (Routledge Cultural Heritage and Tourism Series) (English Edition). This book attempts to dismantle the unfounded Eurocentric view of US-born and immigrant Mexican peoples, that groups together the identities of Latinx, Chicanx, and other indigenous peoples of the Southwest into Hispanics whose contributions to the cultural, historical, and social development of the Southwest are marginalized or made non-existent.The narrative and performative legacies that tourism and fantasy heritage produce are promulgated and consumed by both Latinx and non-Latinx peoples and cultures. This book endeavors to expose these productions through analysis of on-the-ground resistance in the service and spirit of intercultural dialogue and change. This book will offer a precise set of recommendations for breaking away from these practices and thus forming new, veritable identities.With a strongly heritage-oriented discourse, this book on deconstructing Eurocentric representation of Mexican people and their culture will appeal to academics and scholars of heritage tourism, Chicano studies, Southwest studies and Native American studies courses.
Deconstructing Eurocentric Tourism and Heritage Narratives ~ Deconstructing Eurocentric Tourism and Heritage Narratives in Mexican American Communities: Juan de Oñate as a West Texas Icon (Routledge Cultural Heritage and Tourism Series) (English Edition) eBook: Perez, Frank G., Ortega, Carlos F.: : Kindle-Shop
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