Beschreibung Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager's Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry (Haworth Marketing Resources) (English Edition). Easy to read and conducive to discussion, Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager‘s Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry takes a practical, upbeat look at the worlds largest industry--leisure and recreation--and gives you practical tips and surefire strategies for making your own profit or nonprofit leisure
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Fundamentals of leisure business success : a manager's ~ Get this from a library! Fundamentals of leisure business success : a manager's guide to achieving success in the leisure and recreation industry. [Jonathan Scott]
Fundamentals of leisure business success : a manager's ~ Get this from a library! Fundamentals of leisure business success : a manager's guide to achieving success in the leisure and recreation industry. [Jonathan Scott] -- "In Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success, you'll sidestep the theoretical, overly academic jargon that often bogs down books dealing with leisure and recreation and discover many revolutionary, .
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Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager's ~ Easy to read and conducive to discussion, Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager s Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry takes a practical, upbeat look at the world s largest industry--leisure and recreation--and gives you practical tips and surefire strategies for making your own profit or nonprofit leisure business a blue ribbon s
Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager's ~ Easy to read and conducive to discussion, Fundamentals of Leisure Business Success: A Manager’s Guide to Achieving Success in the Leisure and Recreation Industry takes a practical, upbeat look at the world’s largest industry--leisure and recreation--and gives you practical tips and surefire strategies for making your own profit or nonprofit leisure business a blue ribbon success.
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