Beschreibung Excellence Has No Borders: How A Doctorpreneur Created A World-Class Cancer Hospital Chain (English Edition). As a fledgling doctor, what would you choose-practising in rural India or going abroad for financial security?What motivation would you have, if all your money were wiped out in the stock market?How would you face your family?What would you tell those who are dependent on you for their survival?What would you do in the face of such helplessness?In Excellence Has No Borders, Dr B.S. Ajaikumar, an oncologist, answers these questions by narrating his story, which is both inspiring and fascinating. He details how he has made cancer treatment accessible to all, and created a chain of world-class cancer hospitals across India and the United States. Providing a captivating account of his entrepreneurial journey, Dr Ajaikumar recounts the challenges and successes faced by him on the path to becoming a doctorpreneur. The book, containing lessons from his life, shows how tenacity, hard work and self-confidence can go a long way in achieving the unimaginable. It is a must-read for anyone looking for inspiration.
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