Beschreibung The Bitcoin Wave: Catch the wave and learn to surf on it! (English Edition). Do you know the secret that was written inside the very first Bitcoin transaction? Have you ever wondered, why Bitcoin is still alive? Do you know how to receive Bitcoins? What will the future of money look like? Today we have the privilege to be living in completely different times. Times that our children will remember as the new paradigm of money and aligned values. Conventional money and even economic structures are going to be replaced soon and trust me, you'll benefit from being in the know. This book (5h reading) gives you a beautiful overview of the main principles, technology, usage and history of money. You’ll gain many insights about the main technologies behind cryptocurrency through the real-life experiences (good and bad) of the author. This book also narrates several problems, developments and directions of the cryptocurrency field. It's a perfect beginners guide into the topic! I know you’re already excited to read it but I didn’t tell you the best part yet. The best part is that it’s easy to read. Why? Because it was edited by a musician who knew nothing about Bitcoin before reading it and now can get by in the field pretty well. I also have to add that there is a great practical exercise at the end of the book that gives you an opportunity to receive around 8 dollars worth of cryptocurrency what might be a whole fortune on one day. So, let’s jump on a wave together - luckily there is still an opportunity to catch the Bitcoin wave if you so wish! The next wave it is going to be big!
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The Third Wave (Toffler book) - Wikipedia ~ The Third Wave is a 1980 book by Alvin Toffler.It is the sequel to Future Shock (1970), and the second in what was originally likely meant to be a trilogy that was continued with Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century in 1990. A new addition, Revolutionary Wealth, was published, however, in 2006 and may be considered as a major expansion of The Third Wave.
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