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    Successful Pubs and Inns (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book Series) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Successful Pubs and Inns (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book Series) (English Edition). 'Successful Pubs and Inns plots a clear course towards successful innkeeping. It is ideal for those planning a career in the licensed trade, professionals already within the business and for students. It is of particular value to those who are considering acquiring their own pub, be it freehold, leasehold or tenancy. It gives clear direction on the vitally important process of initial selection and evaluation, highlighting the many pitfalls that will be found along the way. It details the controls required to maximise profit and reduce the risk of financial failure.This second edition of 'Successful Pubs and Inns':* Down to earth, jargon-free guide to running a pub - and making a profit* Provides an excellent overview of the legislation affecting all innkeepers* Looks at the social responsibilities of licensees* Puts into context the dramatic growth in themed and branded pubs* Gives practical advice on the dangers of slack food hygiene practiceMichael Sargent after an early career in marketing, ran a successful inn before moving into managing groups of pubs, becoming a director of pub operating companies. He now concentrates on writing.Tony Lyle has had considerable experience in senior roles in the licensed trade with responsibilities for large groups of pubs throughout the south of England. He now runs his own licensed trade consultancy specialising in leasing, appraisals, acquisitions and rent reviews.

    Buch Successful Pubs and Inns (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book Series) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Successful Pubs and Inns, Second Edition (Hospitality ~ Successful Pubs and Inns, Second Edition (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book Series) [SARGENT, MICHAEL, LYLE, TONY] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Successful Pubs and Inns, Second Edition (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book Series)

    Successful Pubs and Inns : Michael Sargent : 9780750618359 ~ Part of the "Hospitality Managers' Pocket Books" series, this book features profit planning, marketing and quality and customer care. At a time when pubs and publicans are experiencing major changes in the industry, the emphasis is on improving management techniques for better business performance. The book covers key management skills and is written in a concise, straightforward style. There .

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